Curious about LHD.??

Discussion in 'General Truck Info' started by BLES, Jan 12, 2008.

  1. BLES

    BLES Member

    Just curious... I've never seen any of the left-hand drive minis. How exactly are they converted? Are all new components used for stuff like the dash, etc.?? Seems to me like an enormous project, to do a conversion, but I see more and more all the time.??
  2. frostback

    frostback Member

    I've seen one of these trucks and would not consider the workmanship acceptable. I was geared up to buy a containerload but decided to check one out in person. I drove 8 hours to see one and I'm very glad I did! They are far from being refurbished. The fabrication work is grim, the paint is crappy and overspray on everything. The dash is coated with something similar to bedliner. They never even bothered to fill the hole where the steering column used to be! Maybe I saw a poor example but I was told it was typical. It looked like some kids put it together in the back yard. Be sure to check out the frame behind the cab where they are welded (I'm using this term loosely!) back together.

    Great idea, poor execution!

  3. pepci

    pepci Member

    Amen to that!!!!! They are not as they are advertised.
  4. ddimports

    ddimports Member

    I am looking to get a container of lhd carry's from japan what company did you look at frostback?
  5. geoffreyr66

    geoffreyr66 Member

    There are tons of LHD Minis. However none of them come from Japan. I've seen several vids on You Tube of mini trucks in the Philippines. There is a Suzuki forum
    that has alot of owners from overseas where LHDs are common. Perhaps there is a similar forum specific to your make that might give you leads and options to do a conversion on your truck. But in my opinion a RHD vehicle in Canada is cool! :)
  6. BLES

    BLES Member

    Yeah, I'm aware of the Philipines trucks and I have no interest at all in converting mine. If it was a big deal to me I'd have never bought one. I was just merely curious as to how it's done. Is the original dash just butchered up and all the guages, buttons, etc. moved to the other side and stuck on leaving holes on the right side, or do they actually install a complete new dash and related components.??
  7. geoffreyr66

    geoffreyr66 Member

    Sorry BLES, glad to hear you aren't going to chop up the beautiful truck of your!:)
    I can't imagine someone doing a home-made conversion and having it look halfway neat and tidy. The turn signal wand would be backwards?:confused: I would imagine that a donor car would have to be used for the interior parts. I would be curious to see how someone would do it!

    URTOAST New Member

    Would the "Minihauler" be one of the conversions that are less then stellar? The pictures seem to be nice? It's looks like a nice unit, and they clame they ae all converted to LHD?


  9. frostback

    frostback Member

    The truck I inspected was a Minihauler.


    URTOAST New Member

    oh well... i was hoping they did a nice job.. I guess not... Thanks for your input!

  11. S.Hiro

    S.Hiro Member

    I been reading about LHD Mini Trucks, Yes they are converted in Philippines not from Japan, the work was no good in the start, after getting Feed Back from buyer was not so good, I did lot's of work and bring the best quality from Last Year,
    I did ship lot's of container to Canada last year and they are selling in Quebec,
    any one can Check the quality if you can go to Quebec,
    the Dash have to cut and build for LHD use and this is the only way to make mini trucks into LHD because there was no LHD Dash available before,
    Now I am trying to use Suzuki Car (or old model susuki truck)Dash Board for LHD use in near future so my trucks will be with LHD Dash, (Rack Pinion we use for LHD)
    there was 2 company where working on these trucks before, AG Cart stop working in 2008 then B&M run By Greg stop also last year,
    I am the only exporter Left in this business because of good quality and hope will bring more best quality,
    LHD I make for Quebec Area as RHD is ban there,
    hope for the best,
    Cheers to all,
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2010
  12. luluyug

    luluyug Member

    left hand convert

    hi just to put my 2 cents. i bought a lhd db51t last march. the quality of the work is pretty good. at first i tought they installed a lhd dashboard but after looking clossely you can see where it was cut and re-welded together.
    the seller i dealth whit had me look at the entire truck and i can tell u it was made as professionaly as it could be. from what i have sen it is a lot easier to convert a db than a dd model since you don t have to cut the front of the truck to relocate radiator. db rad as you know is under. i also appreciate the fact that my wipper arms were also converted to the lhd wich make s it like a normal car. wich is not the case on a dd model, since it is to much work to do. i have seen some models sold in quebec that did not have a door lock on left side, kind of a pain to unlock right side and lean over to unlock left side then go around and jump in:confused:

    i think my lefty is a very good piece of truck i run it daily so i do need a reliable truck. after seeing a few modded truck i would go again for a lhd but only in a db model. p.s. this is my personnal experience and i don t want to critic some exporters work but that is what i saw as a consumer. i have put a pic of my db51t in the gallery area if you want some specefic pics taken feel free to ask. salut!!!
  13. S.Hiro

    S.Hiro Member

    Great Thanks

    so much thanks for your comments on LHD, yes you are right that DB51 is more essay for us to make LHD but buyers demand is 1993 & 1994 so Have no choice to make DD51, but I am still trying to do best work and bring close to Original, hope for the best,
    If you have buy your lefty from Quebec then I am the only one shipping there,
    thanks again,
  14. vtg

    vtg Member

    I'm curious about why anybody would want to convert to LH drive? Is it a licencing requirement issue? Because as far as I'm concerned, the Rh drive works well with these little trucks. First off, due to the truck's narrow width, it's pretty easy to get used to because you can basically position yourself (meaning your body) in the same position in the lane as you would with a conventional vehicle, and still be on your side of the road (hoping that makes sense, maybe I could have worded it better).

    The only detriment to the RH drive I can see is limited visibility when pulling out to pass someone. But realistically, how many times are you gonna be able to pass anybody with one of these trucks?

    There are some advantages I see. When I parallel park, I can step right out onto the sidewalk which is kinda handy.......and it's pretty seldom that I carry a passenger. Another thing thing I like about the RH drive is I feel it may be a bit safer in the event of a collision. It seems to me that most head on collisions involve the LH front sides sustaining the most why not be sitting on the RH side?
  15. S.Hiro

    S.Hiro Member

    re-RHD or LHD

    Hello VTG,
    yes you are right that RHD are more batter to drive if there is no LHD available,
    but Due to Ban on the RHD Vehicles in Quebec, so buyer have no choice to buy LHD, I just love to sale RHD because not much work to do,
    it is all about Demand,
    RHD & LHD have nothing to do with accident, it is a Driver or Drivers Mistake not the RHD or LHD,
    thanks and have a nice day,
  16. zardoz

    zardoz Member

    soo glad I live where I can keep mine as a right drive ;)

  17. BC_MMC

    BC_MMC Member

    The oft-mentioned "pulling out to see to pass" is nonsense. If you can't see around the vehicle in front of you, you are following too close. If you are not already in the passing lane and accelerating when you reach the vehicle you're passing, you're passing unsafely.
    Lastly, passing someone in a minitruck is like one of those "great moments in history", I remember one day the guy I was passing flipped me the bird. And I shouted back "Me? I'd die of shame if one of these things ever passed me on the highway!"
  18. Stuff99

    Stuff99 Moderator Staff Member

    Haha nice!!!
  19. S.Hiro

    S.Hiro Member

    I understand who was doing the LHD convertion in Philippines, his name is Greg MeCuen, he cheated me $47,000+,
    any way long time story, I do Converted trucks and I was doing a great work after couple of complain from my 1 buyer, then I work hard and bring the best quality,
    from Philippines, I ship on the name "Japanese 4x4 Export Corp, from Japan only RHD on the name of Yamato Trading Co Ltd,.
    I am coming Back again in LHD mini & Other Vehicles Biz, I know how to get the Job Done, with New Dash board and proper fitting, my Goal is to bring all models into Jumbo Cab,
    any one interested for container load please contact, I just need 4/5 buyers for container load & I am in business,
  20. Hiro 4x4

    Hiro 4x4 New Member Supporting Member

    Hello there Happy New Year,
    are you still in Minis Biz, please contact me as i am starting more Carefully Customizing & LHD with New Dash Board,

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