I ended up taking it to a guy in Delaware that got it up and running. One of the problems was after market parts. Put all oem on it and it ran...
Hi all, I have a 98 Sambar that has me at my wits end. The truck starts fine, but as soon as you start it, it dies. If I keep my foot on the...
Hi there, which solenoid does which? When I look up the part, I see one is called the fuel cut off solenoid.
Hi there, where was the 15 amp fuse located? Mine won’t idle and I’m thinking it’s similar issues.
Hello everyone. I have a 98’ KS4 and when I was driving the other day, it was running fine, but when I came to a stop it just shut off. I started...
Thank you! I found a guy in Delaware that seems to be quite knowledgeable. Hoping he finds the issue
Does anyone happen to know of any shops that repair/service mini trucks in the South Jersey / Delaware area? Thanks in advance!
Too many off-road trips I suppose. What’s the best way to clean it? Was always worried about exposing the engine to that much water.
Can anyone tell me if this inline filter (maybe) is supposed to be in here? Thanks in advance![ATTACH]
Can anyone tell me where the canister is located on the Sambar? Thanks in advance !
so the plugs only worked for a day. Still runs and stutters when cold. I can only put a little throttle into it or it loses power. I am going to...
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