I am parting out a daihatsu s83p 1992 and have a good working AC compressor. Best offer and you pay shipping. Flip text 315 592 1313
Locating dowels protruded just enough to hold gasket in place while installing head. I’m tired of working on this after replacing carb; timing...
No chance of diesel and white smoke is water vapor. Also drips out of exhaust. Checked compression and it’s 150 in two cylinders and 160 in the...
Yes and they look good. In the next couple of days I’m going to do a compression test and listen for leaks in exhaust and intake. It’s running...
Sorry for my previous thread so here goes. I have a 92 s83 p with the following problem. White smoke (steam) out of the exhaust. I pulled head had...
Having problems with white smoke after head repair and gasket replacement. How else can water get into combustion?
Have a 92 daihatsu s83p-Gdm pickup. My problem is the following; truck overheated when radiator went dry, steam out of exhaust, pulled head and...
greetings from upstate n.y. am finally getting things worked out on my 1992 s83p but final issue is rpm's surge upon releasing throttle when...
i have a good used 2 wire low-idle fuel cut off solenoid from my s83p with 87b54 carb. rebuilt my carb and thought the solenoid was bad. replaced...
finally after 2 years of off/on work to get this 92 daihatsu running well i'm very close! only problem remaining is engine surges after shifting...
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