Thank you for all your hard work I really missed the gallery.
Any news on gallery?
Nice truck! I have a u12t 1987 Mitsubishi my self and I was wondering how much those 25in tires bogg the truck down and what wheel bolt pattern...
That's what i was thinking as well it seems like a lot of you guys want a street legal off road tire?
The reason I ask is because my friend and I are thinking about manufacturing wheels and tires for our truck my friends family have been in the...
I have been wondering what the perfect tire and wheel size would be for these mini trucks to save the most power you can? Tall? Skinny Tires?...
I get my parts for my u12t from Donald at he will be your best bet. He can get almost anything.
I forgot to say very nice atv! How does it work? I am planning on getting a can am myself
Very nice van! I know what you mean by being impatient I had to get mine from across the country (USA). By the way wanted to ask what exporters...
Amazing we need more campers on the forum!
So I own a older U12t minicab and need a new speedo cable couln't find any from dealers or never got replies from them but I was wondering if...
Amazing where did you find that?
how much in wieght is a vans actual load capacity?
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